Thursday, February 11, 2010

Time Will Tell

It's pretty amusing, how the people whom you (in a plural sense) have groomed up to become such great individuals begin to turn their backs on you, and think that they have surpassed your guidance, and begin to take flight prematurely.

In all ways, being independent is a good thing. Don't get me wrong. But once it becomes a personal vendetta just because they want to upstage your previous accomplishments (and show that they can do better), then I really believe we have already lost sight of our true goal.

What's even more amusing, is how one of the accused has the nerve to publicly state that the future generation better live up to the expectations set on them.
Now, is this really what we should be focusing on? Living up to (and trying to supersede) past achievements? How does glorifying God come into the picture again?

I remember very clearly the conversation I was having with the Taylor's CF current committee a few weeks back.
"We thank God for the past, but we should never put living up to last year's numbers as a goal. Once we do that, the expectation becomes our primary focus, and God gets kicked out of it instead."

At the end of the day, what these bunch of people are doing is saying that, "Hey, if they could do it, so can we."

Instead of enlisting the help that they need (and is very freely offered, mind you), they instead become too self-absorbed in their own personal goals, selfish ambitions and short-sightedness.

This is my take on the issue. I could be wrong, but hey, an opinion is justice in itself. I can only leave my prayers with you all, and believe that God will pull through in this event, for the sake of the hundreds (and thousands?) of hungry souls out there desperate for an answer.



  1. haha my case was a little different. I was the expectation. People didn't surpass me. But when this expectation went down, people heave a relief, because they don't have to live up to me. Their parents don't pressurize on them. But yet, at another point, being the expectation, I was pretty disappointed at myself.

  2. shucks. it describes WORD FOR WORD what I wanna post! can I use it for my blog and quote you please, buddy? :)

  3. @Stephanie

    Hey Steph! You're on a different wavelength, but a good way to look at it.

    I know exactly how you feel! Well, there are people who thrive under pressure and some don't do well under it. It all comes down to personality :)

    @ Joel

    Go ahead bro! Put your Harvard rReferencing to good use! :)
