Monday, February 15, 2010

The V-Day Revelation

Happy Chinese New Year everyone!

May your Ang Pow collection this year be more productive and fruitful than the last! :)

And to all the rest,
Happy Valentine's Day!

The day that we celebrate overrated, over-priced consumer products, while a vast majority of 'lovebirds' blindly follow the shallow, cheap interpretation of love that has been set by society.

A little dark and pessimistic, but hey, the truth is the truth. :)

As for me, I'm looking at Valentine's Day a little differently this year.

I'm looking at it as a reminder of learning something truly essential before we should love someone else.

Love yourself.

Humorous and cliché as it may be, I find it to be an even more profound truth than the last.
Dont'cha think? ;)

A little less complicated,