What is 'happiness' to you?
A feeling so easily 'experienced', yet so impossibly perfected.
Some find it in the gain of an expensive car.
Some find it in the arms of a loved one.
Some find it in the simplicity of chocolate ice-cream with coloured sprinkles *grins*

What is 'happiness' to me? In all honesty, I do not know, neither do I intend on finding out.
After all, what becomes of this bout of happiness in due time?
Cars get stolen.
Loved ones get bored and tired of putting up with one another.
Ice cream... adds a little extra weight to the scale.
If all of these do not last, how can happiness be happiness if it does not remain happy? *Confusing, isn't it?*
Temporary satisfaction is not my goal in life.
So the real question is,
"What is true happiness to you?"
- Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.
Deep, as always